Defining your color palettes for your brand saves time in your workflow when you're telling your story. Each brand library comes with a "Primary Palette" by default.

The Primary Palette is for your primary colors within your brand.

Managing Color Palettes

To define a color, do the following:

  1. Click the "+" button to open the color chooser

  2. Enter in your HEX or RGB values of the color. If you do not have values, press and drag your mouse over the color spectrum to choose a color

  3. Once you've entered your values or selected your color, press "enter" or click anywhere off of the color chooser to set your palette

  4. You will see the color swatch appear with the HEX value label

When your color swatch is set, the swatch will appear in the color chooser when you open it inside of a project canvas

To delete a color swatch, do the following:

  1. Hover a color swatch
  2. You'll see an "X" appear in the top right corner
  3. Click the "X" to delete the swatch

When you delete a color swatch, it will disappear from the color chooser